Where were you born and what is it that you cherish most about your birthplace?
Answer: In Rose-Hill, Mauritius. Chilhood and adolescent years with parents, relatives and friends. The warm Indian Ocean in the lagoons and wonderful mountains in particular Le Corps de Garde which watched over all my childhood games.
What is the most precious of your childhood memories?
Answer: Flying kites and playing boule kass kot, boule siffon and la mok delivrey bare foot in Solferino street with children of various ethnic backgrounds.
When did you or your parents migrate to Australia?
Answer: My parents did not. I was an orphan when I came with my family in January 1973.
What is it that you like most about the Australian way of life?
Answer: The freedom to live and achieve without the many barriers found elsewhere.
What did you do in your first job or occupation?
Answer: Teaching English to children of migrant backgrounds.
What are / were your career highlights?
Answer: Serving with the British Army in the Middle East. Teaching young kids in primary schools in Mauritius. Being awarded a British Council scholarship to study in Scotland. Working at the Audio Visual Center, (now known as the College of the Air) as a teacher of French on TV and a teacher of English by radio. President of The Cerne Club in Mauritius. Board member of the Racing Club, Mauritius since its foundation until my coming to Australia.. Secretary of the Club National de l’Etrier, a horse riding club in Mauritius. Member of le groupe liturgique at Notre Dame de Lourdes,Rose-Hill. Broadcasting live commentaries on Les Messes des Malades sur les ondes du Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation(MBC). Moving to Australia. Head of the Migrant English Section; and Information Officer at the Commonwealth Department of Education. Starting the first French-language radio programs in Melbourne on Access Radio 2ZZ and Ethnic Radio 3EA. Sitting on the board of the Alliance Francaise for the past 20 years. Mauritian Community Representative on the Catholic Council for Immigration for the Archdiocese of Melbourne for five years. Starting a Mauritian Program in Kreol, French, English on Community Radio 3SER. Becoming a member of the Catholic organization: Knights of the Southern Cross. Becoming a Minister of the Word for the Church as well as a Funeral Minister. President of the Victoria Mauritian Association, Central Region in 1977. Member of the board of directors of Community Radio 3SER. Founder member of Waverley Gardens Probus Club. Ex-Member of various Mauritian Club Committees such as MSA.
What is your favourite book?
Answer:Two of them. A la Recherche du Temps Perdu by Marcel Proust and Souvenirs d’Enfance by Marcel Pagnol.
What do you like most in people?
Their sense of humour and fair play.
What do you dislike most in people?
A judgmental-moralistic approach to life. Self-righteousness. Inferiority and superiority complexes.
Who do you admire most?
Those who achieve but remember their humble beginnings.
What is your favourite dish?
Curried jackfruit and tripes.With lentilles noires and boiled rice.
What is your most valuable trait / personal quality?
Tell us about your most worthwhile achievement(s)?
Putting my children through university. To having successfully sat,after turning 34 ,for the HSC,BA and Diploma in Education while being a family man. Bringing my family to Australia without a sponsor.
What is the most memorable moment in your life?
Visit to the basilica of Notre Dame de la Garde(Bonne Mere) in the company of Marcel Pagnol, Fernandel,Marius et Olive and my wife, Gisele.
If you could wave a magic wand and do something that you desire most, what would it be?
Study more Mathematics.
What is most precious to you at this point in your life?
Being with my family especially my grand children.
What are your plans for the future?
Acquire more skills. Better acquired ones. Achieve and achieve more while enjoying life!