Regarde cette cacade !!! à diffuser largement sur tes groupes
faut-il préciser que cette construction incongrue n'est autre que des WC publics bâtis en plein milieu du jardin de la Compagnie des Indes à Port Louis (MUS) !
Notre Léoville L'homme est "aux premières loges"
Henri Maurel
Villeneuve Loubet
Vous avez tort! La photo est prise d'un angle subjectif!
Il ya avait déjà des toilettes dans ce jardin. A l'arrière de la statue de Adrien d'Epinay.
Ceux qui critique ont accès au toilettes privés des entreprises. ET comment vont faire les clochards? , les touristes? les vieux? les simples gens?
Ne pissez pas sur le malheureux peuple! A part les toilettes de ce jardin, connaissez-vous un lieu où un passant peut pisser à Port Louis? La mairie de Port Louis a fait de son mieux.. Elle aurait pu faire mieux , d'accord mais...
Il faut voir le problème d'un autre angle.
Tristan Bréville.
Cher Monsieur Breville,
Angle subjectif ou pas il eût fallu que la municipalité choisisse un autre endroit pour ériger ces vespasiennes, dans un coin discret à l'écart des regards par exemple.
Ce n'est pas cette construction qui me pousse à émettre une opinion, mais simplement du fait qu'elle a été érigée en plein milieu du jardin de La Compagnie !
c'est aussi incongru que d'avoir un drainage au milieu de son living !
Henri Maurel
Bonjour Henri,
Vous avez raison, j'y suis passé dernièrement et je dois dire que ce beau jardin est complètement défiguré par les 'ti-lotels mine' d'un côté et ce désordre organisé de l'autre. Comme disait un politicien, mettez un rasoir dans la main d'un singe et vous verrez les dégâts. On a mis des incompétents au sein de l'administration municipale voire gouvernementale, et peut voir les dégâts que cela occasionne.
D'accord pour le design et la couleur.
Les Musulmans peignent en vert, les catholiques en gris ou bleu ou or, les hindous en arc en ciel , les chinois en jaune ou en or.
Mais, trêve de plaisanterie, La mairie a une faiblesse: absence d'un directeur artistique pour ses projets. Le surintendant des jardins, M. Thondee, est compétent mais pas artiste , encore moins esthète! Il gere bien les jardins municipaux mais la vision artistique et esthétique, ce n'est pas sa tasse de thé! L'ile Maurice regorge d'artistes et ils seraient ravis de donner leur avis! Dommage.!
Tristan Bréville
Je n'ai pas de probleme avec les toilettes per se mais la couleur !!!!
Et on aurait pu leur donner un look plus ancien et compatible avec son environnement
Marcel Lindsay Noë
Tout est subjectif dans la vie, raison pour laquelle il y a des cours de justice pour ramener une certaine objectivité. Le problème n'est pas forcément ces toilettes, car il n'y a que là que nous sommes d'ailleurs tous égaux, mais surtout la façon et le goût avec lesquelles elles ont été construites.
D'ailleurs pour un pays à touristes comme le nôtre, la qualité de ce lieu de prédilection doit être irréprochable. Allez faire un tour comme moi dans les toilettes de la Gare Victoria ou celles de Jan Palach - là où ne vont ni ministres ni députés mais les petites gens comme moi - et vous n'aurez pas envie de manger pendant au moins trois jours.
Des goûts, des couleurs et ... des senteurs ! quelle incongruité ! Certainement une attraction touristique à l'avenir: on va se fiche de nous, c'est clair amicalement Henri Maurel
Maintenant que cette "cacade" est la, il faudra faire avec.
Faisons pression afin qu'ils trouvent un artiste pour faire umn "trompe oeil" sur cette vespasienne. Un artiste pourrait faire un trompe oeil,un massif fleuri par exemple.
Yves heeraman
Expressing views on current affairs and events affecting the Mauritian (including Rodriguan and Seychelles) Community in Australia. In particular, contribute to and assist in the promotion of our cultural heritage in Australia. The parent web site is
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Walking With Lions, Casela Nature & Leisure Park, Mauritius
This is becoming a real selling point for Mauritius. Hope they have established safeguards to protect the guests, should the lions decide to have lunch, breakfast or dinner. Looks very professionally organised. Well done to Casela.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Jean Claude Cimiotti-Le Metteur en Scene
Question: What is the most precious of your childhood memories?
Answer: My most precious childhood memories are the 14 years of country life which I enjoyed during my youth. As my Father was a Station Master in the Mauritius Railways, he worked in several rural regions in Mauritius namely in Roche-Bois, Cluny, Petite Riviere. I will never forget those years of country life during my childhood. This has allowed me to learn at a very young age the hardship of manual work and to appreciate the joy of harvesting the fruits of my labour.
Question: When did you or your parents migrate to Australia?
Answer: My Wife Nicole and I and our four children Bruno, Aldo, Franco and Sonia left Mauritius on 31st December 1982 and landed in Australia on NewYear day 1st January 1983.
Question: What is it that you like most about the Australian way of life?
Answer: The easy going way of Australians. The freedom of speech of the Media. The fact that you can show your preference for a political party without the fear of reprisals.
Question: What did you do in your first job or occupation?
Answer: My first job was as a secondary school teacher. Then I joined the Ministry of Lands as Assistant Land Surveyor.
Question: What are / were your career highlights?
Answer: 1965 :- Assistant Land Surveyor Ministry of Lands, Mauritius
1968:- Awarded a scholarship to study Aerial Survey in The Netherlands
1970:- Obtained Diploma in Photogrammetric Engineering
1971:- Appointed Quays Superintendent in Marine Services, Mauritius
1976:- Appointed Port Manager in the Mauritius Ports Authority
1983:- Migrated to Australia
1984:- Joined Australian Customs Service in Melbourne
1995:- Promoted Customs Inspector in the Australian Customs Service
1998-99:- Worked as Port Consultant for Mauritius Ports Authority in Port Louis
2000:- In charge of Securities section in the Australian Customs Service
2005:- Retired from Australian Customs Service
Question: What is your favourite book?
Answer: "Les Misérables" of Victor Hugo
Why?..... because in "Les Misérables" you can find " Toute la grandeur et la fureur et la douleur de la conscience humaine."
Question: What do you like most in people?
Answer: Loyalty, Frankness, Punctuality and good manners.
Question: Who do you admire most?
Answer: I have never practised "Le culte de la personalité."
Question: What is your favourite dish?
Answer: Rice & Daube "Grois pois" with tripes & a Chatiny coco.
Question: What is your most valuable trait / personal quality?
Answer: I am a perfectionist and always aim to achieve the best in everything I undertake or do.
Question: Tell us about your most worthwhile achievement(s)?
Answer: Having obtained my Phogrammetric Diploma in 1970.
Working as Port Consultant in 1998 & 1999 on the New Port project in Mauritius.
2004:- Publishing a 300 page book on the Genealogy of the Cimiotti Family.
2007:- Publishing my Autobiography.
Presenting to my fellow-countrymen in Melbourne some opérettes in French.
Question: What is the most memorable moment in your life?
Answer: The day I landed on Australian soil with my wife Nicole and my four children to settle permanently in this wonderful country.
Question: If you could wave a magic wand and do something that you desire most, what would it be?
Answer: I would not use the magic wand because then I would have got something for which I have not put any effort in obtaining. For me the greatest joy and reward is to reap after you have put in some effort.
Question: What is most precious to you at this point in your life?
Answer: My wife and my Children & GrandChildren.
Question: What are your plans for the future?
Answer: To attend the 100th Birthday of my Mother in 2013 in Mauritius.
To celebrate with my wife our Golden Jubilee in 2014.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Marcel Lindsay Noe-Roi des Corsaires

Photo: Marcel with General Nebout & Yves-Alain Corporeau
What is the most precious of your childhood memories?
Answer:Growing up in Rose Belle, in the Mauritian countryside...and going to school in New Grove.
Secondary schooling at St Esprit College and carefree teenage years.
When did you or your parents migrate to Australia?
I came to Melbourne in 1968 with a very young family. For the adventure, more so than for fleeing the economic and political situation back home.
What is it that you like most about the Australian way of life?
A land of plenty where your hard work can get you just about anything.
What did you do in your first job or occupation?
Medical Representative
What are / were your career highlights?
Youngest Sales Manager in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Topping Australia at the Marketing Exams.
Creating "La Bonne Vie" and introducing the first French beer, Brittany Crepes and french wine into mass distribution in Australia.
Delegate General in Australia for the International Festival of the Sea in Mauritius,1987.
Back in Mauritius publishing lifestyle and Tourist magazines.
Conception and Event Management of "30 year Independence Celebrations" on the Port-Louis Waterfront. Largest crowd in the history of Maurtius (200,000 people)
Conception of Grand Port 2010 Bicentenary celebrations.
What is your favourite book?
Surcouf Roi des Corsaires.
What do you like most in people?
Straightforwardness& Honesty. (What you see is what you get).
Humour & Smiles.
Who do you admire most?
(Past): Mahatma Gandhi
(Present): Nelson Mandela
What is your favourite dish?
(Mauritian): Freshly caught Fish in Madras Curry sauce ++ all the side dishes...
(International): Smoked Salmon (fished in the wild by fishing lines not nets, preventing the bruises) & Alaskan Crab.
What is your most valuable trait / personal quality?
Open mindedness and resilience.
Tell us about your most worthwhile achievement(s)?
After 15 years work, creating "1810 Grand Port - Historic Village & Shipyard"
My Magnum Opus.
What is the most memorable moment in your life?
Falling in love for the first of many times.
If you could wave a magic wand and do something that you desire most, what would it be?
Eradicate all religious and political differences. The creation of One Race : The Human Race.
Creation of total Harmony.
What is most precious to you at this point in your life?
My honour and the image I shall leave for my children to live with.
What are your plans for the future?
Completing my Historical Village and continuing to work in the cultural field.
Writing my memoirs.
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