Where were you born and what is it that you cherish most about your birthplace?
Port Louis Mauritius, the rich culture (music and cuisine), I try to pass it on to my kids and grandchild.
What is the most precious of your childhood memories?
Copying the lyrics of the latest hits/songs on the radio and then learning it off by heart to sing in the back yard with my brother and sisters and the other kids in the neighbourhood in the late afternoons and going for walks after dinner. Story telling by my mother, grandmother and uncle in the evenings before we went to bed. Drinking tea at Tante Jeanne’s house ( I sometimes get a whiff of that tea fragrance and it takes me back to her kitchen when I was 8 years old).
When did you or your parents migrate to Australia?
In 1972.
Question: What is it that you like most about the Australian way of life?
The freedom and opportunities that you can get here and the Aussie’s attitude of “having a fair go”.
What did you do in your first job or occupation?
I was a sales assistant at Coles Dandenong (made soft serve ice-cream and cordial).
What are / were your career highlights?
Working on secondment at Treasury as the Secretary to Sir Ninian Stephen who was then the Ambassador for the Environment. I learnt such a lot as I was quite green in my first year in the Public Service and totally unaware of environmental issues and its impact on our lives until I went there. At Treasury Place I met many interesting people. My office was two doors down from Kim Beazley who was a young upcoming politician then and Alan Jones the political reporter worked down the hall. I learnt about the mechanics of politics and it helped me become quite clear about never wanting to be involved in politics.
What is your favourite book?
The Magician by Raymond E Feist who got me enthralled into the fantasy/sci-fi world. The Davinci Code - it gives food for though and the whole series of Ian Irvine Tales of the Three World & Robert Jordan the Wheels of Time.
What do you like most in people?
Their uniqueness. The fact that no two people are alike, even though we may be brothers or sisters we are all individual and each brings added value to another.
What do you dislike most in people?
What is your most valuable trait / personal quality?
Patience and common sense
Tell us about your most worthwhile achievement(s)?
(1) Having my three children and a grandchild. (2) Co-founding the Francoise Babet Leukaemia Foundation.
What is the most memorable moment in your life?
There are many, most notably the younger years of bringing up my kids and the birth of my granddaughter.
If you could wave a magic wand and do something that you desire most, what would it be?
Give health back to those who are suffering as being healthy is a most precious commodity.
What is most precious to you at this point in your life?
My family and close friends.
What are your plans for the future?
Hopefully be able to retire early and concentrate more on my grandchild/grandchildren when more arrive and help set up a Leukaemia Centre on the Island of Mauritius.
Who do you admire most?
I admire many people in many ways. Those who strive to make a difference and a better world. Globally, I would have to say Mother Teresa as she has shown me what a difference one person can make. Closer to home I admire people like: - Olivier Anthony for fighting his battle against Leukaemia, it takes a lot of courage and it could have been so easy to give up during the dark times but he hung on because he knew others were behind and beside him all the way. - Paule Collard as I believe that she has done a lot for the elderly of our community and just ordinary people who decide that they will do good in this world and get up and do it.
What is your favourite dish?
Fricassée Margoze & Poisson Salé - Salted Fish and Bitter Melon with Rice and lots of chilli.
ReplyDeleteWhen reading the interview above, it turns out I realized that Stella Hennequin is very admirable. Stella, I also like The DaVinci Code because many points of controversy that is in the book.
I strongly agree with her opinions about the uniqueness of human who can change the world with a difference.
One more thing, I was amazed with her, such as helped to establish the center of Leukemia on the Mauritius Island.
I was very impressed with the answers Stella Hennequin. I often conduct interviews with new employees, but I've never found an answer like that. Your article can be a guide for everyone to behave like Stella Hennequin.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jonas and Charles.
ReplyDeleteI am not perfect but I learnt a long time ago that people matter more than things.
We all make our mark one way or another by our deeds and not our words. So I try to do the best I can as this World is not about me, it is about all of US. People can forget that sometimes and think that we are invincible but our journey is a short one in the scheme of the universe.